Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Gettin Saucy

Hey all! (haha)
As you can see there hasnt been much activity around here. Well I have an excuse. I may have mentioned I had a little idea swirling around my head and it has finally come to fruition.

It's called Add A Dash

It's the place where I present you with my exploration through sauces, dressings, preserves, dips, salsas, condiments, seasonings, rubs and jams.

Check it out at www.addadash.wordpress.com
and follow my going-ons at www.twitter.com/addadash

Sunday, May 10, 2009


So I'm back.
Actually 'back' isnt the correct word. Because I have nowhere to say I went
Guess I've just been in other corners of the world wide web.
Here's a few things to expect from me in the upcoming days.
(if i dont get lost elsewhere that is)

Initially I didn't want this to be a showcase of 'the coolest new thing coming out in a few months that I'll either forget about by then, not want anymore, and most definitely not have the money for' kinda blogs because the www's already supersaturated with those, and I feel there's a bunch of people out there doing an incredible job bringing the latest and greatest. Over-time I've built a plethora of sources telling me what'll be cool. I know a bunch of people are always asking for said sources so I'll compile a list of my favourites.

Being in a car driving for upwards of 8 hours everyday I have alot of thinking and listening time. Because of this I am a listener & lover of podcasts. I'll compile a list of some of my favourite ear fillers. Also, while listening to Macbreak Weekly I found out about SquareSpace, a 'revolutionary' website creator. I've been thinking of doing a trial over there to see just how great it is.

Other than that there's a few movies coming out shortly I'm excited about and I'll be doing a post on sample sales and how they've changed my retail life.

For now check out Justin Timberlake's dick-in-a-box!! The mothers day sequel.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Love Languages?

Recently I met someone that just started learning English. Her first language was Spanish but I could tell she was already off to a good start with English judging by the smalltalk that ensued. It was my last day on the beach and I’d had a rough night prior so I was in no mood for smalltalk (that, and, I despise smalltalk). Normally I don’t think I would’ve taken this time to dive into a new friendship but she seemed nice (and looked even nicer) so I thought ‘why not?’

Conversation carried on as if a game of charades was thrown into the mix; body and arms flailing to aid in forming sentences and making points. Much to my pleasure the smalltalk ended shortly thereafter and we got in a bit deeper (in conversation, pervert). It seemed as if the language barrier (and possibly the fact my flight was departing T-6) abled us to detour a lot of the chitchat that would otherwise have carried on been it a mother-tonguer I was speaking to. I had to choose my conversation topics and words wisely so they would be understood the first time around and come to think of it, it was fairly intellectually stimulating being forced to do that. Doing this also helped me conserve energy because if the sentences weren’t adequately conveyed then received there would surely be an audible mime to follow.

I’m glad I put the time in getting to know someone new. From it I not only learned how to adapt my communication style but have a new friend. Looking back it was good we didn’t speak the same language, I feel its because of this we got to know each other in the capacity we did with the little time we had.

Monday, January 26, 2009

D.I.Y. Toothpick!

One of my most hated and one of my most favourite feelings comes during and after something is stuck in your teeth. You all know the feeling; whether its some dinner lodged between your deepest, darkest molars or a sesame seed camping out in your permanent retainer. All of our tongues have gotten cut, curled, and cramped up trying to free the felon from your pearly whites. And we've all said it "I gotta get some toothpicks in my car!" but tend to forget the feeling of meat between our teeth when there isnt any, thus forgetting to stock up on the pointy pieces of lumber at a convenient time and location.

ALAS! Fellow sufferers, a solution!

Most of us never leave home without a pack of gum in our pockets or purses right? Well the solution lies right there (as long as your equipped with proper packaging).

Now, some of you may think you're catching on because you too use your piece of gum to push up into the crevases in your mouth and when you pull it out you hope it sticks and pulls out the piece of food thats been bothering you...

Well, no.
Although this method does sometimes work I find oftentimes if my gums fresh and still has alot of stick to it the gum gets stuck in my tooth spaces causing even more problems.

My gum of choice is Cinnamint ... now its gotta be the kind of gum that comes as 'chicklet' type in the slide out, window packaging made popular by Excel and now coppied by brands like Trident. Well, the cure is in the aluminum packaging ... once you've popped out your gum use the piece of foil that was holding your piece in place and roll it up in a cylinder shape. Next sit it between your thumb and pointer and slide your fingers back and forth until its super tight, concentrating on one end to make it pointy.

VOILA! With this pointy end, poke away!